The clan of the cave bear

The Clan of the Cave Bear

Hardcover, 491 pages

English language

Published Jan. 5, 1985 by Guild Publishing.

OCLC Number:

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4 stars (48 reviews)

The Clan of the Cave Bear is that rare book - a novel written on a highly original subject by an author who, with her first venture into fiction, shows herself to be at once an out- standing storyteller.

The subject is nothing less than what life was like 35,000 years ago - at a time when the earth was still a place of huge glaciers and moving land masses, and mankind evolving slowly as both Neanderthal and Cromagnon Man.

The novel's heroine is Ayla, a 5-year-old child separated from her family after an earth- quake, who is found and adopted by the Clan, a group of Neanderthals anxiously looking for a new home. Physically and mentally she is of Cromagnon stock, and thus much more advanced than they are; and her differences and quick mind create a mixture of fear, suspicion and admiration within the Clan. Ayla is cared …

48 editions

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