User Profile


Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

East-coast born, but transplanted to the midwest (US) decades ago - wide range of reading interests including Fantasy, SF, Gardening, Natural History, Social Sciences, Science, European History, translated (English) Japanese light novels (guilty pleasure), Young Adult, etc., etc.

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Ookla_the_Mok's books

Currently Reading

Anthony Appiah: The Lies That Bind (Paperback, 2019, Profile Books) 4 stars

I love this book - I actually listened to it as I was needing something to listen to at the gym and I borrowed the audio book from the library thinking it was another book that I owned, but hadn't had a chance to read yet... So glad I made the mistake - most interesting book I've read (ok listened to - although I have the physical copy now) in years. Really insightful in terms of how our society sees identity, how we see it in ourselves, the origins of those identity types, and how they came about (and how made up they are).