Not by Genes Alone

How Culture Transformed Human Evolution

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Peter J. Richerson, Boyd, Robert: Not by Genes Alone (2014, University of Chicago Press)

English language

Published July 17, 2014 by University of Chicago Press.

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4 stars (1 review)

"Not by Genes Alone offers a radical interpretation of human evolution, arguing that our ecological dominance and our singular social systems stem from a psychology uniquely adapted to create complex culture. Richerson and Boyd illustrate here that culture is neither superorganic nor the handmaiden of the genes. Rather, it is essential to human adaptation, as much a part of human biology as bipedal locomotion. Drawing on work in the fields of anthropology, political science, sociology, and economics - and building their case with such examples as kayaks, corporations, clever knots, and yams that require twelve men to carry them - Richerson and Boyd demonstrate that culture and biology are inextricably linked, and they show us how to think about their interaction in a way that yields a richer understanding of human nature."--Jacket.

3 editions

Review of 'Not by Genes Alone' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Phew, yet another book I found fun to read but hard to review.

I was introduced to (biological & cultural) evolution and sociobiology through Dawkins and my HS biology teacher about 10 years back & it turned me in some kind of adolescent [read: know-it-all] version of Darwin's Bulldog for some time. Sorry for everyone who had to endure me during that period (I guess amongst others Philipp also had to suffer from that when we started our undergrad studies).

So in a way many things introduced in the book weren't exactly new to me. But I found the book to be a pretty nice summary of all the different fields and issues that cultural evolution touches and looking from a biologists point of view I found that they make a convincing case for a holistic perspective on how to study how biological & cultural evolution interact and co-evolve. Having …


  • Culture
  • Human behavior
  • Human evolution
  • Social evolution
  • Sociobiology
