"Shattered Nation" as a title could unfortunately fit to so many nations these days, but Dorling explores the particular situation of the UK's shattering over the last ~50 years or so. Using a wide range of statistics, Dorling explores both how the UK ended up in the place it currently is – e.g. the skyrocketing inequality, lack of social services, healthcare, etc. – and also compares it to other European nations and how/why they might fare better. Overall, the book makes a very well reasoned and convincing argument for how a focus on the banking sector and deregulation under the neolib/con dogmas is to blame.
The main limitation I see is that many of the comparison to other European countries seem at times to be too rosy. Between a growing far-right and the onset of the same neoliberal dogmas that cut services, countries like France, Germany and Italy are slowly …