Friday the Rabbi Slept Late (Rabbi Small Mystery)

mass market paperback, 208 pages

English language

Published April 30, 2002 by I Books.

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4 stars (5 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'Friday the Rabbi Slept Late (Rabbi Small Mystery)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

3.5 stars

I am charmed.

The mystery is really just a backdrop for exploring the Jewish community in a small Massachusetts town. I love Rabbi David Small and the way his Talmudic training enables him to see details and contradictions others might miss. He wants the temple he serves to be more than just a social club, but that’s an uphill battle in town where most people only care about the secular. Thankfully he has people he can talk about religious matters with and we get to overhear those conversations. The portrait of the Gentile townspeople’s attitudes towards the Jewish community is fairly gentle but it’s well aware of how fast things can turn ugly. It’s an easy read, but a worthwhile one—a genre of its own.

Review of 'Friday the Rabbi Slept Late (Rabbi Small Mystery)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is a book that I have been wanting to read for some time, but I've been putting it off for various reasons. I finally sat down and read the book, and I was pleasantly surprised. David Small is the rabbi of a Conservative Jewish congregation in Barnard's Crossing, a fictional town in Massachusetts. He is young - just in his late 20s - and has only been the rabbi for a year. Small is a bookworm with a deep love of and appreciation for the Talmud. However, he is not so good at dealing with the members of his congregation, at least at first. During the course of the book, he learns and grows into his role. He befriends the police chief, Hugh Lanigan, who's Catholic. Some of my favorite scenes are when they are discussing both the murder and their religious beliefs. The give and take between them …

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  • Crime & mystery
  • Mystery & Detective - General
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Mystery/ Detective
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