One of my favorites
5 stars
Qbq! Is an amazing book and audio. John Miller weaves amazing stories explaining how to rod yourself of victim thinking and put personal accountability onto action
Qbq! Is an amazing book and audio. John Miller weaves amazing stories explaining how to rod yourself of victim thinking and put personal accountability onto action
My boss enjoyed this book, so we listened to it today. It had some good points, but it was mostly empty/"inspirational" filler. Not a bad use of 70 minutes, but a the concept could have been summed up in couple of paragraphs rather than a book.
So, the Question Behind the Question:
1. Begins with “What” or “How.”
2. Contains the personal pronoun “I.”
3. Focuses on action.
I actually see it being more pertinent to my relationships than my career -- although good relationships will obviously help me in many areas.