This book just continues the inexorable downward trend.
We DO find out that Mirrim (a woman!) ended up Impressing a green dragon after all, so that's pretty cool. I was hoping for this loose end to be tied up, since the idea was kind of shot down in Dragonquest.
There's this weird scene, where Robinton somehow becomes a creepy old man who... has always been in love with Menolly (and she with him)? EW.
Her face, now blotchy from crying, was suddenly so vulnerable that Robinton felt his heart give a startling thump. He smiled tenderly at her, stroked tendrils of her hair back from her face. Tilting her chin up, he kissed her cheek. He felt her hand tighten convulsively on his arm, felt her lean into his kiss with an appeal that set both fire-lizards humming. Perhaps it was that response from their friends, or the fact that he was so startled that caused him to stiffen, but Menolly swiveled away from him. “I’m sorry,” she said, her head bent, her shoulders sagging. “So, my dear Menolly, am I,” the Harper said as gently as he could. In that instant, he regretted his age, her youth, how much he loved her—the fact that he never could—and the weakness that caused him to admit so much. She turned back to him, her eyes intense with her emotion. He held up his hand, saw the quick pain in her eyes, as the merest shake of his fingers forestalled all she wanted to say. He sighed, closing his eyes against the pain in her loving eyes. Abruptly he was exhausted by an exchange of understanding that had taken so few moments. As few as at Impression, he thought, and as lasting. He supposed he had always known the dangerous ambivalence of his feelings for the young SeaHold-bred girl whose rare talent he had developed. Ironic that he should be weak enough to admit it, to himself and to her, at such an awkward moment. Obtuse of him not to have recognized the intensity and quality of Menolly’s feelings for him. Yet, she’d seemed content enough with Sebell. Certainly they enjoyed a deep emotional and physical attachment. Robinton had done everything in his subtle power to insure that. Sebell was the son he had never had. Better that!
He also has weirdly explicit thoughts about Lessa. This makes me super sad, not only because Robinton has always been such a super cool dude, but because the relationship between he and Menolly was such a good example of a male-female friendship that didn't have any weird subtext. Plus, the idea that she's settling for Sebell is pretty messed up. Basically I'm just declaring this whole thing non-canon.
We get more casual domestic violence:
“Brekke’s right, Lessa,” F’lar said, putting his hand on Lessa’ s shoulder with apparent casualness. “Mardra wouldn’t like competition.” Robinton could see the pressure of the Weyrleader’s fingers whitening his knuckles, although Lessa gave no sign.
“You will be my lady, won’t you, Sharra?” “You know I will, Jaxom. For as long as I can …” “For as long as we live …” he corrected her, gripping her hands tight enough to make her wince.
We get... weird dragon voyeurism?
As his hands touched her soft flesh and he felt her body press against his, he wondered briefly if she’d have been as willing a lover had he not been Ruatha’s Lord. But he didn’t care! He was her lover now! He gave himself to that pursuit with no further reservation. At the precise moment of his release, exquisite to the point of pain, he was aware of a gentle touch and knew, with a sense of relief that enhanced his own, that Ruth was joined to him then, as always.
He did not resist or deny Ruth’s familiar beloved touch as his orgasm released the turmoil of body and mind.
“Do you like what you hear? Our lovemaking?” Jaxom asked, abruptly deciding to air his concern. Yes. You enjoy it so much. It is good for you. I like it to be good for you.
They made love in the soft warm darkness, delighting in each other and fully responsive to the moment of ecstasy that came, totally aware that Ruth loved with them.
We get... more weird almost-rape (with some bonus slut-shaming!):
Jaxom was not pleased with himself. He was thoroughly disgusted and revolted by the way he had used Corana. The fact that she seemed to have matched what he had to admit was a violent lust dismayed him. Their relationship, once innocent pleasure, had somehow been sullied. He wasn’t at all certain that he cared to continue as her lover, an attitude that posed another unpleasant burden of guilt. ... But he ought not to have taken Corana like that. Doing so was inexcusable.
“And with Ruth, I can handle both responsibilities. Manage my Hold and please myself. You’ll see!” He drew her closer to kiss her, but suddenly she broke away from him, pointing over his shoulder, her face mirroring hurt and anger. “What’s the matter? What have I done, Sharra?” She pointed to the tree where two fire-lizards were intently watching. “Those are Toric’s. He’s watching me. Us!” “Great! Let him have no mistake about my intentions toward you!” He kissed her until he felt her taut body responding to his, till the angry set of her lips dissolved into willingness.
There's this sentence which is... baffling and kind of great?
Sharra had assumed her usual intricate fold of leg, a posture which evidently fascinated and confounded Menolly.
And there's the delightful phrase "cavort in lustful exercise" which... is MAYBE how I am going to refer to sexytimes from now on?!?