mass market paperback, 105 pages

English language

Published Jan. 1, 1989 by Schoenhof Foreign Books.

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3 stars (3 reviews)

Annie Ernaux s'efforce ici de retrouver les différents visages et la vie de sa mère, morte le 7 avril 1986, au terme d'une maladie qui avait détruit sa mémoire et son intégrité intellectuelle et physique. Elle, si active, si ouverte au monde. Quête de l'existence d'une femme, ouvrière, puis commerçante anxieuse de " tenir son rang " et d'apprendre. Mise au jour, aussi, de l'évolution et de l'ambivalence des sentiments d'une fille pour sa mère : amour, haine, tendresse, culpabilité, et, pour finir, attachement viscéral à la vieille femme diminuée. " Je n'entendrai plus sa voix... J'ai perdu le dernier lien avec le monde dont je suis issue. "

17 editions

Review of "A woman's story" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

So much in this autobiographical novel was achingly familiar. Ernaux is a bit older than I am, but her mother was from the same generation as my own mother, who also came from a hard scrabble background and raised highly educated children. In a dispassionate, at times even detached, style, the author details her relationship with her mom against a background of daily routine. Her mother eventually comes to live with her and her family when she gets old and is suffering from Alzheimers.

Exquisitely and simply written, this is an objective and almost clinical examination of a mother daughter relationship through the recitation of everyday events in their lives together. Nevertheless, it manages to evoke great compassion, and documents the complexity that always exists between mothers and daughters.

"I shall never hear the sound of her voice again. It was her voice, together with her words, her hands, and …

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4 stars


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  • Fiction - General
  • Fiction
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