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3 stars (3 reviews)

Star Wars: Scoundrels is a Star Wars novel written by Timothy Zahn, released by Del Rey Books on January 1, 2013. It is set just after the events of the originating 1977 film Star Wars: A New Hope and features Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian.

1 edition

Review of 'Scoundrels' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Okay, I really liked this one. First of all, I listened to it, so that might have helped out considerably - I don't know how Marc Thompson does it with all the different voices and stuff (with a near perfect Han and Lando to boot), but dang, he's good. And there are a lot of characters in here, since it's basically an Oceans 11 in Star Wars story. This is also good if you want a break from all the force/Jedi/Sith stuff - there is still a bit of the Empire (no major characters like Vader), but everyone is after these items or the people that have these items. So lots of, well, scoundrels to go around, with lots of different personalities and trying to figure out whenever details change how the heck do we do this job. A lot to keep up with, but lots of fun.

Review of 'Scoundrels' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It's a Star Wars book. It's not great literature. It's fun, but not particularly great sci-fi either. I enjoyed it, but wasn't blown away or anything.

Basically, this is Ocean's 11, set in the Star Wars universe with Han Solo and Chewie front and center.