Twyford Code, The (air/exp)

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Janice HALLETT: Twyford Code, The (air/exp) (2022, TBS/GBS/Transworld)

368 pages

English language

Published Dec. 19, 2022 by TBS/GBS/Transworld.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'Twyford Code, The (air/exp)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Quite the page turner this one. I liked it as it's original, in the way it's written (the structure, mostly made of recorded conversations that have been transformed to written text) and the plot full of twists. I can't say much otherwise I'd spoil it, but it's a clever read and there's lots of themes: old spy stories, family belonging, crime, friendship... Around the middle of it I was almost getting tired with what seemed a far-fetched and endless story, but then it took yet another turn and got me even more interested.

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