Designers & Dragons

English language

Published Oct. 24, 2011

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4 stars (1 review)

1 edition

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4 stars

I'm not yet half way through this book, but had to make some comments before I forget them.

I really like this book, and it's obvious a lot of work went into it, but there's one major failing: the lack of citations.

This lack limits the usefulness of the book when it comes to any academic use, but more importantly it hampers independent analysis where either facts or conclusions are questionable.

So far I've run into two areas where my own personal experience contradicts what the author has to say. One is in facts. In the review of Palladium it states that Erick Wujcik developed Revised Recon from a miniatures game. That's simply untrue. I have the original Recon game, and it was always an RPG. Basic research shows that the publisher was even named "Role Playing Games, Inc.," and was a nominee for "Best Roleplaying Game" in the 1982 …