Il drago bianco

Paperback, 418 pages

Italian language

Published May 5, 1998 by Nord.

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4 stars (31 reviews)

Gli abitanti di Pern sono in eterna lotta contro le invasioni dei Fili, spore distruttrici che in epoche fisse attraversano lo spazio. Ma i coloni terrestri sono aiutati dai Draghi, enormi animali prodotti per selezione genetica, dotati di intelligenza e di straordinarie facoltà, come la telepatia e la capacità di teletrasportarsi attraverso il tempo e lo spazio. In questo libro è narrata la storia del Drago Bianco, una creatura anomala nata da un uovo manomesso, ma che dietro il suo aspetto inconsueto nasconde capacità che lo faranno diventare il Re della stirpe dei draghi.

31 editions

reviewed The White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey (The Dragonriders of Pern, #3)

Review of 'The White Dragon' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Probably my least favourite of the original 6 Pern novels, this follows the story of Jaxom, Lord Holder of Ruatha who has impressed the white dragon Ruth, and is now torn between growing up and into his responsibilities as Lord Holder, learning to ride a dragon, and chasing various women in various degrees of offensiveness (minor trigger warnings for extremely old fashioned views of women and sex - true with the first two Pern books also).

Review of 'The White Dragon' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This book just continues the inexorable downward trend.

We DO find out that Mirrim (a woman!) ended up Impressing a green dragon after all, so that's pretty cool. I was hoping for this loose end to be tied up, since the idea was kind of shot down in Dragonquest.

There's this weird scene, where Robinton somehow becomes a creepy old man who... has always been in love with Menolly (and she with him)? EW.

Her face, now blotchy from crying, was suddenly so vulnerable that Robinton felt his heart give a startling thump. He smiled tenderly at her, stroked tendrils of her hair back from her face. Tilting her chin up, he kissed her cheek. He felt her hand tighten convulsively on his arm, felt her lean into his kiss with an appeal that set both fire-lizards humming. Perhaps it was that response from their friends, or the fact that …

reviewed The White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey (The Dragonriders of Pern, #3)

Review of 'The White Dragon' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

After Anne Mcaffrey died late 2011 I rooted around in my bookshelves for all my old pern paperbacks from the early 80's. I was utterly obsessed with these books when I was a young teenager, and they were extremely formative in my own history as a writer. The first novel I ever wrote -- longhand, in mead spiralbound notebooks -- was a thin knockoff of Dragonflight (I seem to remember it had unicorns, but I'm so embarrassed by that book I haven't managed to actually read enough of it to check).

I reread all three books in the first Pern trilogy because I was curious to see if they held up to my very fond memories of them. Sadly the answer was no. Sometimes its best to let your fond childhood memories remain memories. :(

(I've duplicated this review across all three books).

Dragonflight: The earliest of the Pern books …

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