Sticky Fingers

12 Short Stories

Paperback, 234 pages

Published June 9, 2016 by Pulp Books.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'Sticky Fingers' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I love short stories, and seeing as I'd just come off the marathon read that is [b:11.22.63|10866286|11.22.63|Stephen King||15553789], this collection was just what the doctor ordered.

As most such collections go, though, this one was a mixed bag.

The first story, Bridge Gate, would easily get five stars from me. It was poignant and emotional--actually having me almost tearing up by the end.

I have a friend who reads a lot of e-book samples, and will immediately stop and refuse to buy the book, if he finds just a single editing issue. I couldn't help thinking of him as I read this story; the first half of it contains quite a few, but they're all deliberate. I wonder if he'd actually take the time to catch the joke, or if he'd give up way too soon.

The last story, Escape, is similarly good, but for different reasons. You kind of …