Book of haikus

200 pages

English language

Published Jan. 24, 2003 by Penguin Poets.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

Book of Haikus is a collection of haiku poetry by Jack Kerouac. It was first published in 2003 and edited by Regina Weinreich. It consists of some 500 poems selected from a corpus of nearly 1,000 haiku jotted down by Kerouac in small notebooks.Although most of the poetry in Book of Haikus is original, some haiku are paraphrased in Kerouac's prose works:

The top of Jack Mountain—done in By golden clouds

also recurs in The Dharma Bums. The collection also contains a handful of haiku published earlier, for instance in Scattered Poems.

3 editions

Review of 'Book of haikus' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

As much as I enjoy Kerouac, especially his esoteric/unconventional approach to poetics, I have enjoyed other collections of his poetry/haiku a little better than this one, which achieved its intention of being a comprehensive overview of his approach to the haiku form at the expense of a lighter/less selective editorial hand that resulted in a somewhat unbalanced, meandering straight-through read. Depending on what you're looking for, this may be a bad or a good thing.

I can generally recommend both Scripture of the Golden Eternity and Pomes All Sizes as being better representations (to my taste, at any rate) of Kerouac as poet and spiritual aspirant.

However, as a late entrant to the Kerouac canon, I do appreciate this volume for its chronological structure and the depth of its insight into Kerouac's pursuit of form.


  • Haiku, American
  • Nature -- Poetry