The Millennial Project

English language

Published Feb. 4, 1994

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5 stars (1 review)

1 edition

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5 stars

When this book was written in the early nineties, indicators of a stressed planet like climate change were still more or less on the horizon. Now that our attention has been drawn more completely to these things, this book seems even more relevant. But more than that, it is a refreshing and optimistic take on how to ensure our civilization doesn't snuff itself out. Rather than limit population growth or play an international zero-sum game, let's colonize space. We can do it, he exhorts us:

"Let us form of ourselves an army of starship troopers, gird on our tungsten armor, and go forth to do battle with Chaos and the minions of darkness. Let us unfurl the green and golden banners of our cosmic crusade, storm the bastions of vacuum, sow our sacred seeds among the stars, and take this galaxy in the name of Life!"

The basic plan consists …