
Published Sept. 29, 2020

4 stars (2 reviews)

When a scouting mission lands on Chara IV, they discover they mysteriously know things about the planet... they know what the lizards are hunting, that the huge bat creatures are vegetarians, and that the giant deer-like humanoids are only curious... until one grabs a crew-member and disappears into the woods.

Thus ends the first chapter of a book that stacks up mysteries like Jenga blocks. Mutation, invasive AIs, and surprisingly solid character dynamics. Atmosphere is the rare sci-fi novel that is equally pushed forward by realistic, believable characters and exciting, twist-filled plot points.

1 edition

reviewed Atmosphere by David Scott Moyer (The Chara Series, #1)

When connection and empathy is dangerous

4 stars

Other world science fiction. A small "first contact" collective lands on a habitable world several light years away from Earth in hopes of discovery. What they find is a psychic planet plagued by the omnipresent All and a peoples and ecosystem exploited.

I like this genre of science fiction because it's always interesting to see what lifeforms and ecosystems the authors can come up with, and this one was no exception. The struggles of communication and connection with the crew were an ongoing theme and felt realistic as any other. Through their willingness to eventually connect with the world around them, they learn what is really driving the sentience of the planet and who is in it for keeps.

Premise wise, great. Writing wise, not so awesome. This needs proofreading, particularly in the quotes, commas, and paragraphs category. Sometimes I couldn't figure out who was talking because one of the …

A Strange Brew

4 stars

A fascinating tale of psychic aliens, stranded settlers, and colonizing insects.

The setting is the main attraction here, the characters supporting the introduction of this world where none of the natives speak because they don't need to. Through a series of steps and missteps, the survey crew sent to Chara have to survive first contact with not one, but two, alien races. It turns out to be more difficult than anyone might have imagined.
