La dama de la furgoneta

Published March 13, 2009 by Anagrama.

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4 stars (5 reviews)

Adapted by the author from his autobiographical memoir, The Lady in the Van tells the story of Miss Mary Shepherd, whom Alan Bennett first came across when she was living in the street near his home in Camden Town. Taking refuge with her van in his garden originally for three months, she ended up staying fifteen years. Funny, touching and unexpectedly spectacular, The Lady in the Van marked the return to the stage of one of our leading playwrights.The Lady in the Van with Maggie Smith opened at the Queen's Theatre, London, in December 1999.

11 editions

Review of 'Lady in the Van' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I'm a big fan of the movie adaptation of this book, Maggie Smith is incredible, so when I started reading the book the voices were already there. I didn't realise just how well Maggie captured Miss Shepherd, all her mannerisms were spot on.

This is non-fiction, the book is taken from notes out of Bennett's diaries, he sat at his desk most days writing and his view was of a bright yellow van in his driveway occupied by brilliantly eccentric old lady. The book highlights her daily activities, accepting post, giving her shopping lists to people and scaring the crap out of Vincent Price. There are plenty of laughs as Bennett against his better judgement bows down to Miss Shepherd's demands and there are plenty of sad moments as you witness the way this poor old lady is living.

A brilliant read, very short but feels like an epic.

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