Review of "Particularly Dangerous Work, Part 1 : At Waters' Edge Particularly Dangerous Work, Part 1" on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
An interesting read.
Always had a fascination with WWII, and as a gay man, wondered what it might look like through a gay man's eyes (that wasn't wearing a pink triangle in Germany). [b:Particularly Dangerous Work, Part 1, At Waters' Edge|34941438|Particularly Dangerous Work, Part 1, At Waters' Edge|G. Russell Overton||56209783] is an intriguing look into what the life of a gay man, turned reluctant spy, starting with Fancoist Spain and then the lead up to WWII itself. Overton takes you on a journey across the globe, from when Rodrigo steps foot in America, and his life as it takes him through situations made dangerous by circumstance, and sensual by meetings casual and passionate.