jayvall reviewed Honestly, we meant well [Large print] by Grant Ginder
Review of 'Honestly, we meant well [Large print]' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
This was definitely a fool me twice book. I absolutely hated [b:The People We Hate at the Wedding|32076675|The People We Hate at the Wedding|Grant Ginder|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1495203452l/32076675.SY75.jpg|52725372] so what possessed me to give this a try, I can't figure out. I didn't hate every single person in this book the same way I did with TPWHATW, but close. Not only was this boring fully until 80%, but then once there finally started to be some drama, that's when the people got unbearable.