Hab etwa ein Drittel gelesen und reißt mich so gar nicht. Die Charaktere sind phantasielos, die Namen durch den Elbennamegenerator erzeugt und man hat von Anfang an das Gefühl der Autor will eine große Geschichte erzählen hat aber noch keine Vision welche Geschichte überhaupt.
I wanted to read German fantasy and once more I am not surprised that I am taking offense with the language and style.
The plot was actually ok if often rather linear - in the second half of the book it becomes better. He manages to wrap obstacles into obstacles if not in a brilliant way in a solid enough manner that it works out for the reader.
Surprisingly I enjoyed the end. I like endings of this kind and I had been expecting something ... cheesier, with everyone happy. But of course the basic premise made it kind of impossible and he stuck with it! Nice.
In the beginning character development was rather slow, so slow it seemed to be non-existing. This was also improved in the second half.
On the other hand the writing style and execution of some of his ideas were not to my liking. Again …
I wanted to read German fantasy and once more I am not surprised that I am taking offense with the language and style.
The plot was actually ok if often rather linear - in the second half of the book it becomes better. He manages to wrap obstacles into obstacles if not in a brilliant way in a solid enough manner that it works out for the reader.
Surprisingly I enjoyed the end. I like endings of this kind and I had been expecting something ... cheesier, with everyone happy. But of course the basic premise made it kind of impossible and he stuck with it! Nice.
In the beginning character development was rather slow, so slow it seemed to be non-existing. This was also improved in the second half.
On the other hand the writing style and execution of some of his ideas were not to my liking. Again it was too simple and I wanted to scream at some of the phrases. Too often the language was more spoken language then written language even when there was no dialogue going on.
I also didn't like that again and again there were parts of scenes and descriptions that had no relevancy to anything at all, they did not influence the plot or even the atmosphere. If this were a movie it seemed someone cut away a part and forgot to remove related stuff.
All in all I did enjoy reading it after the first half. I am not sure I will read more of the series because there is so much else that grips me much more. While Nuramon became a character to identify with and there are enough open ends to keep me curious, I also remember the feeling I had that I just wanted to finish the book to be done with it.