Rachel Unkefer reviewed Short History of Humanity by Caroline Waight
Review of 'Short History of Humanity' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
The title of this book is unfortunate, as it ignores the fact that its focus is Europe and not “Humanity” as a whole. The subtitle clarifies, but most of the world is left out of the category of humanity. But if you’re interested in the ancient migration into Europe, this is a solid, if broad explanation of archeogenetics. I wish the authors had been clear about when they were talking about autosomal DNA admixtures instead of just having that be the default for “DNA,” as it seemed they did. There was little discussion of Y-DNA, very disappointing for me, since it’s my area of study. Overall, a good non-technical book for the scientifically curious, although likely not detailed enough for those who are involved in genetic genealogy.