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Clean code is a sign of too much free time. At any time, working code is always messy.

Same is true for your note taking system. If you are a busy working professional, it is going to be messy. Probably notes distributed in multiple apps too.

Get used to it.

One of the best things about system is that since it's all plain text I can do an almost instant ripgrep search across all files. This morning I searched for :2023xmasgift: because I use that format to tag cool gift ideas for christmas in my journal throughout the year.

30 minutes later I've ordered gifts for whole family and friends from online stores. Earliest gift idea was recorded almost a year ago on 2022-12-28.

This is the way.

Oh yeah, another thought / idea management tip:

Write down first, worry about organization later. It's more important to just get words written and out of your head than it is to put those words "in the right place"

That organization paralysis has prevented me from making progress on so many ideas in the past. I literally have a reminder set up on my homepage doc in Obsidian that tells me to write first, organize later.