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I am greatly encouraged by the swift indictment for murder in this case. Despite the driver blaming the cyclist this quote perfectly sums up the situation:

«Quand un véhicule se retrouve face à un piéton ou un cycliste qui n’a pas de carapace autour de lui, il y a une réelle volonté plus que de nuire, de tuer. Ce ne sont pas les mêmes armes. Ce monsieur a tué avec son arme qui est sa voiture»


WisDOT is completing a Bicycle/Pedestrian Railroad Crossing Safety Action Plan to evaluate safety improvements at railroad crossings for people walking, biking, or rolling.

Help identify issues and opportunities at railroad crossings across Wisconsin by sharing comments and ideas, review other comments on the interactive comment map, and help improve safety for people who walk, bike, and roll near railroad crossings: https://wikimapping.com/Wisconsin-BicyclePedestrian-Railroad-Crossing-Safety-Action-Plan.html