
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community

After a brief interaction here about some mobile apps for I was reminded that many people are not familiar with the alternative called which once installed gives you access to a massive library of and applications that DON'T include the typical ads, trackers etc that are always included on the official playstore.

You can learn more and download it here:


*please boost for reach

Googles Marktanteile bei Internet-Suche erstmals in 10 Jahren unter 90 Prozent

Die Dominanz Googles scheint langsam zu bröckeln. Erstmals seit Anfang 2015 nutzen mehr als einer von zehn Internet-Nutzern eine andere Suchmaschine als Google.


Starts Tracking All Your Devices In 6 Weeks—Forget Chrome And

Long story short is that Google has made updates to its advertising ecosystem essentially _permitting_ the fingerprinting of devices for use in targeted advertising. In their words they are going to be “less prescriptive with partners in how they target and measure ads.”

Doesn’t mean fingerprinting wasn’t happening before, just that Google is giving the green signal to the rest of the ecosystem to do so… and will likely use this to maybe replace third-party cookies.

Use an adblocker. Seriously.


I don't have a ton of followers on this account, so I would love if people would boost this for reach :

I need advice from people who also have parents.

I think it's time for me to replace my mom's laptop with something that she can't kill. Or, if she kills it, something I can replace each time for less than $500.

I'm wondering if a netbook type of device would work? I have no idea what's available in that realm anymore.

I am loathe to get her something in the 'verse because fuck Google. And boy howdy do I *not* want to go back into with her. That is my least favorite realm in which to play tech support.

However, if there is something out there that would suit her needs and not give me as many headaches, …