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😑 📲 Och nöö @tazgetroete ! Warum bekommen wir immer noch solche Mails, in denen nur die bei und empfohlen wird !?

Es gibt doch die -App schon seit einigen Jahren und seit fast zweieinhalb Jahren ist das auch auf taz.de angekommen:

Einerseits vorbildlich, aber...

Warum bekommen dann heute immer noch alle mit Mails, die nur für und werben?

Die freie App wird so leider immer noch versteckt 😔 ...nur wer F-Droid bereits kennt, wird sie evtl. finden: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/de.taz.android.app.free/

Nah, don’t worry, it’ll be ok. They’ve been sponsored by Google for years. Even Facebook at one point.

It’s open source… it’s about the source being open. It’s open as in “open for business”.

The “F” in FOSDEM is silent.

It’ll be fine…



Google has no faith in its ability to launch new products


Back when I was a product manager for a large mobile network operator, we faced a constant problem. How do you launch a new product to the public?

Most people are reluctant to try new things. Even in the exciting world of proto-smartphones, convincing someone to download, install, configure, and use a new app was difficult. Sure, we could run expensive advertising campaigns. Send hopeful text messages. Have a big celebrity endorsement. Or maybe get our customer service reps to push it.

In the end, we pre-installed it on every device we sold. Then we forcibly pushed it to every supported phone on our network. The backlash was incredible. As you might expect, people think of their phones as their own personal space. Having a new app shoved on there felt like an invasion. It took …