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The always excellent Carole Cadwalladr gives us 20 maxims on how to act right and stand up to the broligarchy. Every one of these is valid, and collectively they help us turn despair into resilience.

With pertinent quotes from recent conversations she's had with and .


In einer Ecke von meinem Schreibtisch steht, mittlerweile etwas verstaubt, das Buch "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism" von Shoshana Zuboff. Ich finde dieses Buch so wichtig und auch tatsächlich sehr leser*innen-freundlich geschrieben, dass ich es einfach weiterhin allen Menschen als Lektüre empfehlen kann, auch wenn das Buch mittlerweile schon fünf Jahre alt ist und sich in den letzten Jahren rasant entwickelt hat.


Mijn man wilde iets regelen op de site van de belastingdienst en dat kon opeens niet meer. Na lang in de wacht en iemand aan de telefoon vertelde die medewerker dat de site alleen in Chrome werkt.

Dus de belastingdienst en de overheid dwingt mensen om een browser te installeren en te gebruiken die door bijvoorbeeld @bitsoffreedom als meest privacy-onvriendelijke wordt omschreven?


On one hand, carmakers have discovered that cars are glorious sources to draw upon to squeeze more money out of people - be that subscription features or . (ref https://pluralistic.net/2023/07/24/rent-to-pwn/#more-5628 by @pluralistic )

On the other hand, we have gigantic API security holes you can about *literally* drive a car through, from causes as simple as:

❞“It’s really simple. They weren't checking if a user is a dealer,” says Rivera. “And that's kind of a big issue.”❝


The OG of Silicon Valley comes out in favor of a state as part of the ascendant corporate in America. When I read Nineteen Eighty-Four and "Big Brother is watching you" over two decades ago, I didn't picture a society getting there through corporate oligarchy, I pictured society getting there through communism. I guess I was too naive.


Seriously though, take a minute trying to grasp how rich a company like Facebook (Meta) really is. Think, truly think, about how much money it makes every year.

Now, think about HOW it makes this money:
Does it sell a lot of expensive cars? No.
Does it sell computers around the world? No.
Does it sell oil? Nope.

It. Sells. YOU.

And how much do YOU get in exchange for producing these billions of dollars for it each year?

When you pay money for something, then pay monthly fees, pay with your private data, pay with your time being forced to watch ads, then you pay more money for stuff you see in the ads you don't need, but you don't get to own anything and when they don't make enough money with it anymore, it's just gone,...

...they you know you live in capitalism, or - more likely - you just don't realize.