I'm feeling a little depressed, but not at all surprised by how many of the #10authors5bookseach lists featured only male authors, while I only saw one list that had only female ones. Of the remainder, most had mostly male authors with only one or two women. Sigh. On the other hand, it was nice to see quite a few male-presenting people posting lists that were fairly rich in female authors. More than you might find on a different platform. #bookstodon#gender#sexism
Contrary to the "self-evident" and "common sense" arguments pundits and politicians continue to make about how the school closures early in the pandemic were detrimental to children's mental health, studies actually show that teen suicide rates, which usually peak each year in October, coincidental with the start of the school year, actually held steady and similar to summer rates, or even dropped, during the beginning of the "lock down" school year. Why? Most likely because those suicides are in response to bullying, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism. ableism that the kids experience when they return to school each year.
I'm not saying the school closures weren't detrimental in many ways. As a science teacher, it was impossible to run real lab activities over zoom. Social interactions suffered. Many kids had low or no bandwidth and couldn't tune in (generally low income kids). Many lost access to social services schools provide.
But …
Contrary to the "self-evident" and "common sense" arguments pundits and politicians continue to make about how the school closures early in the pandemic were detrimental to children's mental health, studies actually show that teen suicide rates, which usually peak each year in October, coincidental with the start of the school year, actually held steady and similar to summer rates, or even dropped, during the beginning of the "lock down" school year. Why? Most likely because those suicides are in response to bullying, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism. ableism that the kids experience when they return to school each year.
I'm not saying the school closures weren't detrimental in many ways. As a science teacher, it was impossible to run real lab activities over zoom. Social interactions suffered. Many kids had low or no bandwidth and couldn't tune in (generally low income kids). Many lost access to social services schools provide.
But when talking about teen mental health, we really also should be looking at this decline in suicide, and what it tells us about how schools, and society, are still failing so many of our kids.
For the last 4 years, the Tasmanian Museum of Old and New Art has been running an installation called The Ladies Lounge. Only people who identify as ladies are allowed to enter. In the lounge, they can sit in luxury and look at famous artworks by Picasso etc, which are not available elsewhere in the museum. They are served champagne and pampered by male butlers. It was meant as a comment on exclusionary men's clubs (which still exist in Australia and elsewhere).
Some dude got upset about it and sued the gallery for entry at the anti-discrimination tribunal. The artist, Kirsha Kaechele, said she was "absolutely delighted" that the exhibit had been taken to court. “The men are experiencing Ladies Lounge, their experience of rejection is the artwork,” she said.
She then turned the tribunal hearing into part of the art as well, …
For the last 4 years, the Tasmanian Museum of Old and New Art has been running an installation called The Ladies Lounge. Only people who identify as ladies are allowed to enter. In the lounge, they can sit in luxury and look at famous artworks by Picasso etc, which are not available elsewhere in the museum. They are served champagne and pampered by male butlers. It was meant as a comment on exclusionary men's clubs (which still exist in Australia and elsewhere).
Some dude got upset about it and sued the gallery for entry at the anti-discrimination tribunal. The artist, Kirsha Kaechele, said she was "absolutely delighted" that the exhibit had been taken to court. “The men are experiencing Ladies Lounge, their experience of rejection is the artwork,” she said.
She then turned the tribunal hearing into part of the art as well, by having a group of women observing the hearing dress like her and mimic her every move. They did not disrupt the hearing, and at the end of proceedings they exited the tribunal to the song Simply Irresistible.
Kaechele argued in her defence the Ladies Lounge was “a response to the lived experience of women forbidden from entering certain spaces throughout history” and promoted equal opportunity.
The tribunal found against the gallery and is ordering them to allow men to enter the exhibit. MONA is removing the exhibit instead.
Amid all the very troubling political & legal news, this was a tiny sliver of light:
"In a scathing ruling... a three-judge panel of the 11th circuit appeals court in Atlanta blasted DeSantis’s 2022 Stop Woke Act... as “the greatest first amendment sin”."
I esp liked this part of the article which cited the judicial ruling from 2022 that DeSantis was appealing:
"In a separate ruling three months later, Walker halted part of the Stop Woke Act limiting what Florida’s colleges and universities could teach about racism and sexism. Calling the law “positively dystopian”, Walker invoked George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four in his injunction: “‘It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking 13,’ and the powers in charge of Florida’s public university system have declared the state has unfettered authority to muzzle its professors in the name of ‘freedom,’” he wrote."
Amid all the very troubling political & legal news, this was a tiny sliver of light:
"In a scathing ruling... a three-judge panel of the 11th circuit appeals court in Atlanta blasted DeSantis’s 2022 Stop Woke Act... as “the greatest first amendment sin”."
I esp liked this part of the article which cited the judicial ruling from 2022 that DeSantis was appealing:
"In a separate ruling three months later, Walker halted part of the Stop Woke Act limiting what Florida’s colleges and universities could teach about racism and sexism. Calling the law “positively dystopian”, Walker invoked George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four in his injunction: “‘It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking 13,’ and the powers in charge of Florida’s public university system have declared the state has unfettered authority to muzzle its professors in the name of ‘freedom,’” he wrote."
Apparently voicing that #racism is bad and that #feminism isn't solved now makes me a "radical leftist". I had assumed that these were mainstream consensus but here we are.
I was just told by a real life human being that refusing to read books by female authors because you prefer the style of male writers is not sexism actually.
Content warning
Economists and commentators are out of touch with a rapidly feminising workforce
Economists and commentators are out of touch with a rapidly feminising workforce
{excerpts; i didn't need to login to read this, so maybe it's not paywalled?}
Soon one in four jobs in Australia will be in health, caring or education. But you'd never know it from our witless 'economic debate'.
The impacts on female employment of the government’s revamped stage three tax cuts continue to attract less debate than notionally more glamorous subjects such as the push for more “tax reform”. That’s of a piece with how the ongoing and significant feminisation of the workforce is routinely overlooked by the media and politicians.
What passes for the “productivity debate” barely addresses that the very concept of productivity in education, health and caring is at odds with traditional labour productivity measures. And industry policy is relentlessly focused on manufacturing and trying to re-establish a long-gone past when Australia made trains, or a future in which we make nuclear submarines, and pump out lithium batteries because we want to be a “renewable energy superpower”.
Caring and education services rarely feature in these utopian economic dreams. They crop up more in debate as problems to be solved, not exciting new (old) frontiers for investment — the NDIS is blowing out, there’s not enough access to health services, our educational standards are falling because of poor curriculums/lefty teachers/the woke agenda/not enough employer involvement, public sector pay rises are a disaster for the budget — and so on.
I normally don't care about Oscars season, but I just learned that Ryan Gosling was nominated for his role as Ken in the Barbie movie, but Margo Robbie wasn't nominated for her character and Greta Gerwig wasn't nominated for director. This is some sexist bullshit. I'm so mad that especially Gerwig was snubbed, she's a creative genius. #Barbie#Sexism#Oscars#GretaGerwig#Bullshit