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Ohio Republican Bernie Moreno is introducing a bill that repeals emissions rules, gives tax breaks to car makers (and their workers, much to my surprise), and prohibits states (i.e. ) from adding emissions rules on top of national rules.

(Aside: It’s funny how Republicans will yell out on all kinds of human rights things, but demand uniform Federal rules when it comes to the right to pollute.)

Don’t get me wrong; I prefer a national standard for emissions. But history has shown us that CAFE standards (which this bill guts) has been insufficient, and that California’s CARB rules are quite effective in raising the bar in emissions and efficiency.

As a car enthusiast, do I want more freedom to mod my car to get better sound and performance? Yes. But do I want that freedom at the price of having a smog blanket over LA once …

"Thirty officers from the Los Angeles County Probation Department have been indicted on criminal charges after an investigation into allegations they allowed — and in some cases encouraged — fights between teens inside the county’s juvenile halls.

"An indictment unsealed late Monday afternoon contains 71 counts of child abuse, conspiracy and battery against 30 probation officers for their alleged roles in a series of fights that took place between July and December 2023."
