
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community

Siendo el , es una pertinente ocasión para recordar a vecinas y no tan vecinas del fediverso que pueden darle vuelo a la hilacha de la lectura en nuestra instancia mexicana de , donde compartimos, entre otras cosas, reseñas y comentarios, deseos de libros por leer, citas de textos que han tocado nuestra curiosidad, nuestro intelecto o nuestro corazón:


📚 Feliz 📚 Día 📚 Del 📚 Libro 📚

Aprovecho para recordar que hay una red social federada dedicada a la lectura, se llama y lectura.social forma parte de esa red y del a mayores.

Al igual que Mastodon, puedes apuntarte a cualquier instancia y participar de todo el fediverso desde ella.

Content warning Complaint about a piece of open source software I haven't even tried to contribute to

Big news for 🚀

100% of the strings in our @weblate project have now screenshots assigned to them to help you with the context while translating!

Thanks to our amazing community, we've conquered 23 languages with over 90% completion, and we're catching up with the next 10 more.

I invite you to take a look if you want to help with translating.

🔗 https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/openreads

“Forward the Foundation” by Isaac Asimov

And with this, I have completed my decades-long journey through the . I started back in the ‘80’s. I remember being fascinated by , and enjoying . But, for reasons lost in time, I never finished F&E. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I finally decided to return to the series, restarting from the beginning. Now, it is done.
@bookstodon https://bookwyrm.social/user/LarryS/generatednote/4276467