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The largest western banks that remain in paid the more than €800mn of taxes last year, a fourfold increase on prewar levels, despite promises to minimise their Russian exposure after the full-scale invasion of .

The seven top European banks by assets in Russia — Bank International, , , , Deutsche Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo and OTP — reported a combined profit of more than €3bn in 2023.



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(Bei mir ging es an eine komplett falsche Adresse, die ich aus historischen Gründen noch habe)

You know what makes this whole thing extra foolish? There's supposed to be a technical rebuttal. Somewhere in that statement, some allusion to what was wrong with the compile-time reflection work. What we got instead?

A bunch of excuses.

I break my back and pick brains and do a crapload of heavy lifting and back it with technical reasons and I pull in experts and everything and they can just tank it by saying... "I have some bad vibes and I wasn't sure some people okayed it."

These places are never about Merit.

All of them were holding water for these apparent enormous technical objections. These well-founded, deeply grounded reasons why these things couldn't work.

Buncha bureaucracy and a whole lot of nothing! Just.

Wouldn't it be nice. If we evaluated.

The #*$% work.

Datenleck bei Banken: Hackerangriff betrifft auch ING und Comdirect

Der Hackangriff bei einer Arvato-Tochter betrifft nicht nur Kunden der Deutschen Bank. Auch die ING und Comdirect haben einen unbefugten Zugriff eingeräumt.


reviewed Origin (Wolverine) by Paul Jenkins

Bill Jemas, Paul Jenkins: Origin (Wolverine) (Hardcover, 2002, Tandem Library) 2 stars

Origin (Wolverine): A snoozefest

2 stars


If you're going to try to create an origin for one of your most iconic characters, that origin had better be (*@#ing memorable. Look at Batman, for example. Or look at what Alan Moore did for the Joker in The Killing Joke. The origin should resonate for the reader.

In Origin, the story kind of lands with a dull thump.

Oh, it's not terrible. The authors clearly tried. They just weren't up to the task, that's all. And so they've created an utterly forgettable, inconsequential, run-of-the-mill...

I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?

Oh yeah. Origin. Sorry, I nodded off.

In a fractional system, Origin would get a 1.8 from me. At best, it was kind of cheesy. I mean, when you've got your character running and howling with wolves, it's a pretty good sign that you're in way over your head...unless …

reviewed The Butlerian Jihad (Legends of Dune, Book 1) by Kevin J. Anderson (Legends of Dune (1))

Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson: The Butlerian Jihad (Legends of Dune, Book 1) (2003, Tor Books) 3 stars

Legends of Dune, Book 1

Dune: The Butlerian Jihad: Beneath Contempt

1 star

Jesus only hung on the cross for three days. I have read four hundred and fifty-four PAGES of Dune: The Butlerian Jihad.

And I did it to save your soul.


When I was ten years old I was quite precocious. I read and loved Asimov's Foundation trilogy, and had a voracious appetite for new books. So I picked up Frank Herbert's Dune without a second thought.

I never saw it coming.

A hundred pages later I was startled to feel tears pouring down my young face; tears of pure frustration. The book was hard, too hard and complex for my ten-year-old mind to cope with. In a fit of fury, I threw the book across the room.

I hated Dune for years. Herbert, too. But my reading speed is way too fast, so by the time I was sixteen or so I couldn't avoid reading some other …