I held it upside down to express my displeasure.
Violet had too much plot armor, Xaden lost all his personality, and the whole plot felt like a filler episode. Even Prince Halden, who should’ve been a fun wildcard, ended up about as threatening as a soggy cracker (and, honestly, his little flying basket gave me the ick).
I had too much to say for one caption, so my full spoiler review is in my bio.
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Finished #OnyxStorm and my reaction was 😬
Anyone else a little dissatisfied and disappointed? I largely have issues with the writing and character development of some(all) secondary characters are just NPCs in my mind at this point.
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Heyho, du wundervoller Mensch!
Ich muss dir was gestehen. Ich habe dir Flammengeküsst Reihe schon eine ganze Weile bei mir im Regal stehen gehabt. Jetzt kam vor knapp einer WocheBand 3 dazu, obwohl ich noch gar nicht mit der Reihe angefangen habe.
Ja, ich gebe offen zu, hierbei handelt es sich um Cover-Käufe. Wenn wir mal ehrlich sind, die machen sich auch verdammt gut im Regal!
Letztendlich sind wir uns aber sicherlich einig, dass ein Cover-Kauf nicht unbedingt ein Griff ins Klo sein muss. Wobei, wer greift bitte freiwillig ins Klo?
Mit der Flammengeküsst Reihe von Rebecca Yarros habe ich einen dieser Glückstreffer gelandet! Durch Instagram habe ich erst von dieser Reihe mitbekommen, dank dem ganzen Hype und durch die schöne Aufmachung landeten diese letztendlich in meinen Warenkorb und ich bereue nichts!
Vor kurzem habe ich Fourth Wing beendet. Ein Buch, welches mich von Anfang bis Ende gefesselt hat. Ich …
Heyho, du wundervoller Mensch!
Ich muss dir was gestehen. Ich habe dir Flammengeküsst Reihe schon eine ganze Weile bei mir im Regal stehen gehabt. Jetzt kam vor knapp einer WocheBand 3 dazu, obwohl ich noch gar nicht mit der Reihe angefangen habe.
Ja, ich gebe offen zu, hierbei handelt es sich um Cover-Käufe. Wenn wir mal ehrlich sind, die machen sich auch verdammt gut im Regal!
Letztendlich sind wir uns aber sicherlich einig, dass ein Cover-Kauf nicht unbedingt ein Griff ins Klo sein muss. Wobei, wer greift bitte freiwillig ins Klo?
Mit der Flammengeküsst Reihe von Rebecca Yarros habe ich einen dieser Glückstreffer gelandet! Durch Instagram habe ich erst von dieser Reihe mitbekommen, dank dem ganzen Hype und durch die schöne Aufmachung landeten diese letztendlich in meinen Warenkorb und ich bereue nichts!
Vor kurzem habe ich Fourth Wing beendet. Ein Buch, welches mich von Anfang bis Ende gefesselt hat. Ich konnte nicht aufhören über die Ereignisse nach zudenken und selbst jetzt, einige Tage danach, schwirren weitere Gedanken zum Buch in meinem Kopf.
Einfach fantastisch. Ich liebs! Wobei ich die spicy Szenen teilweise zu lang finde und mich etwas stören, aber ansonsten ein perfektes Paket: Tolle Charaktere, spannende Story, toll geschrieben!
Mit welchem Buch hattet ihr zuletzt Glück, welches ihr nur wegen der Gestaltung gekauft habt?
#books #bücher #bookish #booklover #bookaddict #bookaesthetic #nerd #bookberd #buch #fourthwing #flammengeküsst #dtvverlag
✅ Already read it!
👯 Already on my TBR!
📚 Adding it to my TBR!
🙅 Not for me
Find it on Amazon --> https://amzn.to/40CzKjG
Find it on Bookshop --> https://tinyurl.com/BonDracsRead
#romantasy #dragonfantasy #bondracsread #rebeccayarros #empyreanseries #onyxstorm #fourthwing #bookstodon #wevebeenwaitingforthis
Woot, got my @target copy of #onyxstorm! It was a crazy half hour on the #target app, but I got it through. It's absolutely beautiful! And had to do a @holotaco manny to mark the occasion! Happy reading #dragonriders!
#holotaco #holotacomani #book #books @redtowerbooks @RebeccaYarros #rebeccayarros #fourthwing #romantasy #romantasybooks #bookmani
@bookstodon Who is excited for #OnyxStorm coming out this Tuesday? #FourthWing #IronFlame #rebeccayarros #bookstodon #fantasybooks
Whats your opinion about Fourth Wing? Yay or Nay? Will your read Onyx Storm?
#onyxstorm #fourthwing #ironflame #bookstagram #currentlyreading #booktok #books #reading #bücher
I'm reading #FourthWing by #RebeccaYarros & holy f*ck this book is so intense. Violet is fighting for her life at every turn & I'm like... drinking my lavender sleepytime tea trying to control the secondhand anxiety #bookstodon
There’s gonna be a tv series? 😳 #fourthwing #books #tvshows
This week's Player Intrusion comes from @SlamPotato who recommends our listeners read #FourthWing by Rebecca Yarros!
Andarna, the adorably sassy young dragon in the “Fourth Wing” series, is the only dragon I’ve ever read about with an inborn disability, which makes me relate to her.
knizer reviewed Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (The Empyrean, #1)
Finished it, but UGH. A Horny Hodge Podge.
2 stars
Content warning spoilers ahoy! discussion of horniness/gaping plot holes/character development
Decently written fighting sequences Worldbuilding/history of lands great, logic of how/when magic works not Enemies-to-lovers arc is Really Central Two extended hyper-explicit hetero sex sequences that feel out of place with the rest of the text, kind of written like fight sequences (consent is prominent, don't recall any non-con threats/assault in text), but as someone expecting a magic-school-but-dragon-riders fantasy....yow! Maybe a disclaimer that this is not YA on the cover?! Such a horny book. Dragons and characters outside the main pairing felt cardboard. Protagonist is too small and thus can't handle riding the dragon (who's main descriptors are 'big and black') is cringe. Of course the handsome male lead's magic power is smoke. Of course he's overwhelmingly hot to her, but he shoves down all his trauma, so its just hot trauma. Of course her power is lightning and its outside her control and she's the powerfullest. Like cell phones in horror flicks set after Year 2000 CE, telepathy works only when its needed to advance the plot, and we have to forget the option is available when the plot requires. Magical creatures are horses without agency but they do have their own lore and laws which we as humans can't know. Why are the dragons helping the humans? What's new and innovative to the lore of dragons coming from this book? Logistics of 'war-bonded-pair' dragons that are supposed to live 200 years tied to the lives of humans who have...at most 20 years of good military service...don't add up. Where's the Temeraire of dragon-kind who's letting the humans battle for 400 years and watching all their dragon-bros get killed? Breadcrumbs were more bread-loaves that telegraphed upcoming events. (that comment based on snark from my spouse, hearing me rant to her about this book). I guess we're just going to all have to agree that the only way to solve the problems in this society is through violence and a high death rate for the navy seals program. Meh. I'm not sure who the target audience is for this one. #FourthWing
Reading day with coffee and kitty snuggles. Going to finish #FourthWing and crush some more #MyDarkVanessa
Aimee Gunther commented on Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (The Empyrean, #1)
It has been a very long time since I've read a romance novel... Evident from the first chapter. It's not that my standard SciFi and Fantasy don't have any flings, but this is a totally different ball game...
¿Ya ha salido la continuación de #FourthWing????? ¿Pero ese no es de este año? Omg #booktodon #literaverso