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Daniel Kahneman: Thinking, fast and slow (Paperback, 2012, Penguin Group) 4 stars

Kahneman introduces two modes of thought - system 1, fast and intuitive, and system 2, …

Sustein and a collaborator, the jurist Timor Kuran, invented a name for the mechanism through which biases flow into policy: the availability cascade.


An availability cascade is a self-sustaining chain of events, which may start from media reports of a relatively minor event and lead up to public panic and large-scale government action.

Thinking, fast and slow by  (Page 142)

What is it like to be a Black woman in a USian business? Here is a glimpse.

Last week my spouse came home stressed because none of the white men above her were listening. She was telling them that they were on the verge of getting overexposed for selling wildfire insurance in California. She said they needed to close sales of policies in several zip codes, and they said "Well, then we cannot make a profit!" There was no action even though she has a Ph.D. and runs complex numerical models for her company. One salesman, who claimed to be a numbers guy, said she was threatening to close down sales in 50% of the state; she was suggesting 16% of the zip codes be closed, and they were not generally populous ones. She took a lot of flack, and compromised to say that instead of closing them, they could …

Kann es eine ohne geben? Was umfasst die Verordnung, um Herausforderungen wie und Diskriminierung, automatisierte Entscheidungen sowie Deep Fakes anzugehen? Mehr dazu im Bildungszentrum am Do, 21.2./14h. Vor Ort im und online. https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.datenschutz.de/offene-veranstaltung-2024-004/

Wer möchte, kann sich zur Vorbereitung den Vortrag von Paola Lopez anschauen, den sie auf unserer gehalten hat. „Bias: Ein Begriff voller Ambiguität“

Danke für nichts DeepL… Sind wir ein bisschen biased, was das Geschlecht von Physik-Doktorand:innen angeht? „Pulsare wurden erstmals 1967 von Jocelyn Bell entdeckt, der damals als Doktorand an der Universität Cambridge an einem Projekt zum Bau eines neuen Radioteleskops arbeitete“.

Japan urged to ensure equal healthcare access after hospital turns away lesbian mum-to-be
A woman in a same-sex relationship who became pregnant through in-vitro fertilisation was denied treatment at a hospital, advocacy group Kodomap said
Japan requires women to be in a heterosexual marriage to access IVF, leading some in same-sex relationships to travel overseas to receive the treatment