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🚨 Oligarchy alert 🚨

Umm...so one of the richest men threw away tens of billions of doll hairs to ruin one of the most popular and influential platforms for news, information & many people's entertainment.

To allow unfettered access to an unlocked hallucinating chat/art bot to generate and propagate outright lies in catchy memes that project what the fascists want to do on the woman of color.

This plus teaming up with crypto bros & other tech billionaires. This in attempt to sway the electiom in November & probably every election after that.

Do I have that right? Am I exaggerating or overstating the nature of the threat?

"Twitter is Elon's "Dearborn Independent", if Henry Ford had bought The New York Times."

They just want to use the as foot soldiers. The scary thing is they have no problem with camps and "deporting" millions, …

Well, is ruined now. Because WTF is this nonsense?

STOP MINIMIZING AND INFANTALIZING THE DISABLED. In case you didn't know it, NaNoWriMo, we kind of hate that.

Sauce: https://nanowrimo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/29933455931412-What-is-NaNoWriMo-s-position-on-Artificial-Intelligence-AI

P.S. On the classism, that is unhinged in its detachment. For real, have they never met poor and working class writers and artists? We're MORE likely to work together.

X is onder Musk een gevaar voor de democratie geworden. Ga weg bij X! (Trouw) (€)

Als weldenkend mens wil je daar niet aan bijdragen. Hoe meer mensen het verlaten, hoe minder succesvol het kan zijn.


Citaten uit stuk: https://diasp.nl/posts/4176864

At this point I think it's safe to say that the protestations, by multiple large for-profit corporate media outlets, that the American inflation crisis had "nothing to do with corporate price gouging" can safely be dismissed as a form of national gaslighting based on class sympathies and antagonism. Not only were corporate executives literally bragging about using the pandemic and "inflation" as an excuse to squeeze the most out of consumers all the way back in 2021, but numerous independent studies by economists more or less confirmed as much as well. Now you can add testimony given to the Federal Trade Commission by a top Kroger executive to the mounting pile of evidence that folks in the media denying this are completely full of shit and trying to rewrite history for their fellow corporate actors.


During Antitrust Trial, Exec Admits Kroger Jacked Up Milk and Egg Prices …

Recently I've been writing a lot about billionaire Afrikaner shitlord Elon Musk's attempts to use his vast wealth to silence folks pointing out that advertisers are effectively paying him to run X (formerly Twitter) like a gigantic fascist propaganda machine that demonizes his enemies, marks out targets for reactionary political violence, and attempts to subvert Pig Empire democracies to help create the kind of world where billionaires like Musk can happily go on extracting wealth while billions of people die on a boiling planet. I take no joy in writing about Musk, and I'm fully aware that many people reading this simply don't want to believe in the sheer scope of his ambitions because it's much easier to write him off as an assclown desperate for validation from 4chan nazis and unhinged Republican conspiracy theorists. Elon Musk may indeed be all of these things as well, but I think it's …

In a recent speech to law enforcement officers in noted cracker enclave Howell Michigan, Donald Trump repeated four outrageous lies, and made an alarming campaign promise in an event that typifies the fascist political style and demonstrates precisely why politicians like him are such a danger to our society.


Trump attacks Kamala Harris and ‘Marxist left’ in speech to police

"Flanked by local sheriffs in Howell, a small city in greater Detroit where a group of white supremacists marched last month chanting “We love Hitler, we love Trump” and carrying signs reading “White Lives Matter”, Trump painted a picture of Americans living in fear of leaving their homes because of crime.

“It’s just insane, but you can’t walk across the street to get a loaf of bread. You get shot, you get mugged, you get raped, you get … whatever it may be,” he said.

The former …

Quite frankly, I don't know how many times we have to go through this song and dance; but if the posts in my replies are any indication, the answer is at least another time. Once again an incurious pro-colonization, pro-genocide Pig Empire media took U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at face value and is blaming Hamas for rejecting a peace deal that isn't a peace deal so much as a brief pause for the genocide, and an agreement to let Israel militarily occupy Gaza in perpetuity. These terms are part of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "hard line," and they have been rejected before; something Blinken surely knows because he's overseen the entire negotiation process. This in turn means that this whole farce going on in our media right now is simply yet another tactic to stall peace, while allowing Israel to continue to conduct a genocide against Palestinians …

"In , the canary has sung. This summer we have witnessed something new and unprecedented. The owner of a platform publicly confronting an elected leader and using his platform to undermine his authority and incite . Britain’s 2024 summer were ’s trial balloon.

He got away with it."

NEW: researchers say screen time predicts level of pro- views on key topics.

Why? They say boosts pro- content & actively suppress criticisms of China.

E.g. they find sensitive topics like , persecution of & are buried by pro- influencer content & irrelevant vids.

By NCRI at Rutgers pairing psychological survey research & social media analysis.


Recently I've found myself engaged in multiple discouraging conversations about our rapidly unfolding climate catastrophe with a number of disheartened people ostensibly on the left. While none of these discussions have been unproductive, I've frequently found myself having to push back on the prevailing sentiment that "it's far too late" and "nothing can be done" to stop climate catastrophe, or even the extinction of human life on Earth. Setting aside the fact that this sentiment is both counter-productive, and ignores the scaling nature of the climate crisis problem entirely, a recent United Nations report indicates that these sentiments are likely a product of an active propaganda campaign designed to convince folks that preventing the worst case climate scenario is too difficult, if not entirely impossible. And who might be behind that propaganda campaign? If you guess "fossil fuel companies profiting directly from boiling our planet like soup," you win a …