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POLL: "Nearly six-in-ten Americans, 59%, express confidence in Trump to make good decisions about economic policy." 😳

Some will look at the results of the poll below and argue it proves just how stupid US voters are. They’ll say we are getting exactly what we deserve.

But I take a different view. I say this is the inevitable and completely intentional result of mass brainwashing.

For more than a century, starting in the aftermath of the Civil War, our capitalist rulers have used the media they own, the politicians they’ve bought, and the education system they control to teach Americans exactly how to think and what to believe.

It’s no accident we’ve ended up where we are. And it’s not the fault of the people, at least not entirely. It is by design -- a cruel, corrupt, evil, yet brilliantly successful design.

➡️ https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/11/22/views-of-trump-personal-traits-confidence-on-issues-ideology/

This article from CNN's front page isn't “analysis”, but propaganda. People have seen to have forgotten that this same Pam Bondi didn't pursue a lawsuit against Trump over his fake Trump University scam **after** he donated $25,000 to her reelection campaign back in 2013.

People forgot, but I didn’t and neither did The Independent.


In der regionalen, rechtsaußen -Bubble ließt man seit dem erneuten Genehmigen des Langstreckeneinsatzes von Waffen durch die , durch die , massiv viel angstmachende, russische . Der stehe (mal wieder) bevor, schieße in kürze ab. Der „Westen“ wisse dass, informiere aber die Bevölkerung nicht. Und überhaupt sein eine russische Invasion richtig toll für Europa. 🤯

Verantwortliche für eine mögliche Eskalation sein, natürlich …

Fair warning:

if you push any kind of apologies for news media either mainstream or self-appointed as "independent", you're catching a mute or worse.

I've lived my entire life in and was forced to watch them carry water for a military dictatorship and three neoliberal/conservative/borderline-fascist governments.

And spread misinformation because they couldn't be bothered to do better and after all it's just entertainment.

And run DISinformation campaigns for various special interests.

I learned to hate their unprofessional attitude, their self-congratulation and their whining against "censorship" long before I came of age.

So if you want to suck up to and operators we're just not friends. Go vote for a nice FĂźhrer or something.

(If you want to teach me about the exceptions, DON'T. I know them. They're mostly dead: doing the right thing is lethally dangerous.)

On repeat, pointing to the votes in Dutch Parliament of today, November 19, 2024:

Something to witness: how "the safety of Israel" is the weapon Western democracies use to dismantle civil rights and turn their own countries into more open authoritarian police and surveillance states. IMO, they really got bold after they managed to "dissappear" the still ongoing pandemic.

Here’s Why I Decided To Buy ‘InfoWars’
By Bryce P. Tetraeder, Global Tetrahedron CEO

Through it all, InfoWars has shown an unswerving commitment to manufacturing anger and radicalizing the most vulnerable members of society—values that resonate deeply with all of us at Global Tetrahedron. ... All will be revealed in due time. For now, let’s enjoy this win and toast to the continued consolidation of power and capital.

Leute, wie sich die Zeiten ändern!

Mehr als 400 Jahre nach dem Verfahren gegen Galileo Galilei zeigt jetzt die katholische den wie praktisch funktioniert:
das Bistum hat X verlassen: „Die Algorithmen des Dienstes dienten mittlerweile als Werkzeug zur Verbreitung von , populistischer und .“ 😡

Gleichzeitig bekennen sie sich zu ihrem -Kanal 🐘 im .
📣 Bravo, @bistumwuerzburg ! Eine gute Entscheidung. 👏

Helft bitte mit, auch noch die Hochschulen zu Ăźberzeugen und unterschreibt die Petition
👉 https://openpetition.de/UnisInsFediverse


Pro-Russia Israeli politician & Former Israeli Minister of Defense, Avigdor Liberman, following the incidents in Amsterdam, calls on European Jews to abandon Europe once and for all & move to Israel