Hideo Kojima's List of Recommended Books from "The Creative Gene" Public

Created by Babel Molotov

  1. I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles by , ,

    No rating

    Search-and-find riddles paired with amazing photographs will captivate kids of all ages in the bestselling I Spy series.

  2. 星やどりの声 by 

    No rating



  3. The Resurrection Fireplace by 

    5 stars

    London, 1770. Brilliant physician Daniel Barton and his students are pioneering the modern science of anatomy with cadavers supplied by …

  4. Notebook by  (La trilogie des jumeaux, #01)

    4 stars

    With icy dispassion, first novelist Kristof, herself a refugee of war, spins a modern-day fable set in Eastern Europe during …

  5. The Proof by  (La trilogie des jumeaux, #02)

    2 stars

    Abandoned by his family during the war and then by his twin brother afterwards, Lucas tries to create a world …

  6. The Third Lie by  (La trilogie des jumeaux, #03)

    No rating

    In the third volume in a critically acclaimed trilogy that also includes The Proof and The Notebook, Claus lies dying …

  7. 神々の山嶺 上 by  (神々の山嶺, #01)

    No rating

    羽生丈二。単独登頂家。死なせたパートナーへの罪障感に悩む男。伝説の男が前人未到のエベレスト南西壁冬期無酸素単独登頂に挑む。なぜ人は山に登るのか? 永遠の問に応える畢生の大作! 第11回柴田錬三郎賞受賞作。

  8. 神々の山嶺 下 by  (神々の山嶺, #02)

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    英国の伝説の登山家・マロリーは、本当にエヴェレストの頂上を征服していたのか? 登山史上最大の謎が今解き明かされる…という山岳ミステリーと、日本人冒険登山家・羽生丈二の冬季無酸素単独登頂は成功するのか…という二つのテーマがみごとに絡み合い、一気に盛り上がる下巻。柴田錬三郎賞に輝く山岳冒険小説の真髄。

  9. The City & the City by 

    4 stars

    When a murdered woman is found in the city of Beszel, somewhere at the edge of Europe, it looks to …

  10. All She Was Worth by 

    4 stars

    Best Mystery and Best Novel of the Year in Japan.

    While a lone detective, recovering from a gunshot wound, limps …

  11. Shadow 81 by 

    No rating

    Los Angeles A pacific global airways jumbojet carrying 187 passengers and 14 crew members was highjacked at one thirty PM …

  12. メタルギアソリッド by  (Metal Gear Solid, #03)

    4 stars


  13. The Drifting Classroom by  (The Drifting Classroom: Perfect Edition, #01)

    4 stars

    A definitive edition featuring an all-new translation and deluxe hardcover design that reestablishes Kazuo Umezz’s The Drifting Classroom as a …

  14. 海街diary by  (海街diary, #01)

    No rating


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