Dao stuff, qigong, taijiquan... Unlisted

Created by Llaverac

The books I read about Tao and adjacent stuff. They're not necessarily suggestions, just a personal list of books to keep track of them.

  1. Tao Te Ching by ,

    4 stars

    No other English translation of this greatest of the Chinese classics can match Ursula Le Guin's striking new version. Le …

  2. Flowing Zen by 

    No rating

    Can regular people really use the ancient self-healing art of qigong to rapidly improve their health and happiness?

    While studying …

  3. Qigong and the Tai Chi Axis by 

    No rating

    Reduce stress, release pain and create whole body harmony with this practical introduction to Qigong and the yin/yang balance of …

  4. Xiu Yang by 

    No rating

    For centuries, Chinese sages, rulers, and spiritual seekers have embraced a simple yet powerful principle that enables them to live …

  5. Les rouages du Yi Jing by 

    No rating

    Le Yi Jing ou « Classique des Chan­gements », en résumant soixante-quatre situations-types de la vie quotidienne sous forme de …

    Llaverac says:

    Didn't finish it but I really like his explanations of the meaning of yin and yang at the beginning.

  6. There Are No Secrets by 

    4 stars

    "Wolfe Lowenthal's quiet little memoir will with window-opening wisdom reinforce, I think, my view of how Cheng stood on Tai …

  7. Cultivating Ch'i by ,

    No rating

    Discover a different side of Japanese swordsmanship through this fascinating treatise by a samurai doctor on how to maintain a …

  8. The Tao of Pooh by  (The Wisdom of Pooh, #1)

    4 stars

    The Tao of Pooh is a book written by Benjamin Hoff. The book is intended as an introduction to the …

    Llaverac says:

    It made me understand some concepts better, like p'u, the uncarved block, but some passages about science and cleverness, or about productivity culture, annoyed me a lot.

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