Weimar & 3. Reich: from and about Public

Created and curated by mirrorwitch

Books I want to read to understand the original rise of Nazism, in comparison with the current one. Topics of particular interest are women, queerness, the wild youth bands, violent resistance, anarchists, Roma. Of reduced interest are "great men" straight male authors.

This is a personal to-read list but more suggestions are welcome!

  1. Gesamtausgabe by 

    No rating

    mirrorwitch says:

    Edition of Kitty with the censored pages, letters and photos, in German translation.

  2. Christopher and His Kind by 

    5 stars

    Christopher and His Kind is a 1976 memoir by Anglo-American writer Christopher Isherwood, first printed in a 130-copy edition by …

    mirrorwitch says:

    The less fictionalised, more direct author's rewriting of Goodbye to Berlin (aka "Cabaret", aka "I Am a Camera"). La bohème memoirs under the fascist creep, now 200% gayer.

  3. mirrorwitch says:

    Marxist analysis of the new class of white collar workers, burying their heads in the sand with the "distraction industry". 3 years later they all would embrace Hitlerism arms wide open. So basically the OG Gamergate.

  4. Der Skorpion by  (Der Skorpion, #1)

    No rating

    'This trilogy—putatively the only work of Weirauch's to center on a lesbian theme—was so immensely popular both in lesbian circles …

    mirrorwitch says:

    Lauded as one of the first modern lesbian novels that portrays lesbianism positively. First of a trilogy. The "scorpions" were an early butch culture. Not otherwise openly political (author was prolific during the Reich, mostly by keeping her head low and joining the Reichsschrifttumskammer).

  5. Nach Mitternacht by 

    4 stars

    "Sanna and her ravishing friend Gerti would rather speak of love than politics, but in 1930s Frankfurt, politics cannot be …

    mirrorwitch says:

    Contemporary fiction reporting on women's lives under the Reich. Author faked her own death to slip back into Germany and fight it from the inside.

  6. The Lights Go Down by 

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    "Fine study—part fiction, part factual—of what life is like in an average German town under the Nazis." Only surviving edition …

    mirrorwitch says:

    Erika is a fascinating lesbian antifascist from the notorious antifascist family. This book was lost in the original German; the current German is a retranslation of this English (which only exists in the rare 1940 edition, but a PDF is available online).

  7. El café sobre el volcán by 

    No rating

    El Berlín de entreguerras fue un hervidero artístico. Y su epicentro se situaba en el Romanisches Café. No es extraño …

    mirrorwitch says:

    Written by a modern professor of Germanistics. Reviews describe it as well-researched yet easy to read; negative reviews in fact say it's too superficial/nostalgic. Adding it mostly because I want to practice my Spanish.

  8. Eine Frau zu sehen by 

    4 stars

    Ein kurzer Text–knapp 60 Seiten, großzügig mit viel Weißraum gesetzt–das ist diese tagebuchartige Erzählung von Annemarie Schwarzenbach. Ihr Großneffe erklärt …

    mirrorwitch says:

    Schwarzenbach was in the same antifa clique as the Manns—she was in fact very into Erika Mann, but after a brief cling Erika left her for Therese, but she would long for her her whole life and… oh yeah, sorry. Book. It's a short memoir of being gay for girls in the mountains. Only published in 2008.

  9. Sex and the Weimar Republic by  (German and European studies -- 23)

    4 stars

    mirrorwitch says:

    This one looks copiously well researched yet readable. In particular, it gives due attention to the lesbian and transvestite scenes.

  10. Berlins lesbische Frauen by ,

    No rating

    Gilt als der erste Leitfaden zum lesbischen Nachtleben. Mit einem Vorwort von Magnus Hirschfeld.

    Obwohl sie queer ist, die Autorin …

    mirrorwitch says:

    Author wrote propaganda novels for the Nazis after 1933. Her early stuff remains of historical interest for the documentation of the queer female scene—both lesbian and transvestite. Very difficult book to find, though.

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