Ethical Nonmonogamy and Polyamory Public
Created by satyridium
Polyamory by Thomas Schroedter, Christina Vetter (
5 stars
Der Begriff der Polyamory tauchte in den 1960er Jahren erstmals in den USA auf und wird seit etwa zehn Jahren …
Mono in a Poly World by Tazmyn Ozga
4 stars
What do you do when your partner is polyamorous and you aren’t? This is the question author Tazmyn Ozga began …
The smart girl's guide to polyamory by Dedeker Winston
4 stars
"No one likes a know-it-all, but everyone loves a girl with brains and heart. The Smart Girl's Guide to Polyamory …
4 stars
Attachment theory has entered the mainstream, but most discussions focus on how we can cultivate secure monogamous relationships. What if, …