Unusual library Public

Created and curated by Serge Keller ❦

Curiosities, works of art, concept-books, Oulipo, unusual or simply unclassifiable publications... Some books are so much more than text on paper!

  1. Jabberwocky by 

    3 stars

    An illustrated version of the classic nonsense poem from "Through the Looking Glass."

  2. Codex Seraphinianus by 

    5 stars

    Codex Seraphinianus, originally published in 1981, is an illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world, created by Italian artist, architect and …

  3. The meaning of liff by 

    4 stars

    In life and, indeed, in liff, there are many hundreds of common experiences, feelings, situations and even objects which we …

  4. The deeper meaning of liff by ,

    4 stars

    Does the sensation of Tingrith(1) make you yelp? Do you bend sympathetically when you see someone Ahenny(2)? Can you deal …

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