Computer music Public

Created by prince lucija is reading and managed by Fediverse Sound

From using DAWs to understanding digital audio and programming your own plugins or live coding.

  1. Microsound by 

    3 stars

    Below the level of the musical note lies the realm of microsound, of sound particles lasting less than one-tenth of …

  2. The Computer Music Tutorial by 

    No rating

    A comprehensive text and reference that covers all aspects of computer music, including digital audio, synthesis techniques, signal processing, musical …

  3. Live Coding by , , , and 2 others

    No rating

    Performative, improvised, on the fly: live coding is about how people interact with the world and each other via code. …

  4. The Computer Music Tutorial by 

    No rating

    Expanded, updated, and fully revised—the definitive introduction to electronic music is ready for new generations of students.

    Essential and state-of-the-art, …

  5. Introduction to Computer Music by 

    No rating

    The rise in number of composer-programmers has given cause for an essential resource that addresses the gap between music and …

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