Somewhat Solarpunk Fiction Public

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What is Solarpunk? It's sometimes hard to pin down. These books might not be entirely utopian, but they contain at least a nugget of hope in the shape of a better world to grasp for.

  1. The Terraformers by 

    4 stars

    From science fiction visionary Annalee Newitz comes The Terraformers, a sweeping, uplifting, and illuminating exploration of the future.

    Destry's life …

  2. Walkaway by 

    4 stars

    Hubert Vernon Rudolph Clayton Irving Wilson Alva Anton Jeff Harley Timothy Curtis Cleveland Cecil Ollie Edmund Eli Wiley Marvin Ellis …

  3. Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by 

    4 stars

    Bursting with cutting-edge speculation and human insight, Cory Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom is a coming-of-age romantic …

  4. A Psalm for the Wild-Built by  (Monk and Robot, #1)

    4 stars

    It’s been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools; centuries since they wandered, en …

  5. Prayer for the Crown-Shy by , (Monk and Robot, #2)

    4 stars

    After touring the rural areas of Panga, Sibling Dex (a Tea Monk of some renown) and Mosscap (a robot sent …

  6. Murder in the Tool Library

    4 stars

    We survive capitalism. Evolving into a library economy, we flourish in a garden city powered by the sun. People no …

  7. The Dispossessed by 

    4 stars

    Shevek, a brilliant physicist, decides to take action. He will seek answers, question the unquestionable, and attempt to tear down …

  8. The Fifth Sacred Thing by 

    4 stars

    An epic tale of freedom and slavery, love and war, and the potential futures of humankind tells of a twenty-first …

  9. Ecotopia by 

    3 stars

    "Twenty years have passed since Northern California, Oregon, and Washington seceded from the United States to create a new nation, …

  10. Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Summers by , , , and 1 other

    4 stars

    Solarpunk is a type of optimistic science fiction that imagines a future founded on renewable energies. The seventeen stories in …

  11. Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation by 

    4 stars

    Every story and poem in this optimistic illustrated anthology of “solarpunk and eco-speculation” portrays a future in which environmental disaster …

  12. Glass and Gardens by 

    5 stars

    ​This anthology envisions winters of the future, with stories of scientists working together to protect narwhals from an oil spill, …

  13. Solarpunk Creatures by , , , and 3 others

    4 stars

    A newly sentient AI inhabits a Roomba to escape from their research office, and a robotic dog hunts for rain …

  14. Pacific Edge by  (Three Californias (3))

    4 stars

    2065: In a world that has rediscovered harmony with nature, the village of El Modena, California, is an ecotopia in …

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