Patrick O'Brian: Desolation Island (Paperback, 1991, Norton) 4 stars

Review of 'Desolation Island' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I'd call these books my guilty pleasure but there's really nothing to feel guilty about. They are masterfully written and this one might be the most exciting so far. Not only does O'Brian approach his characters with close and careful attention, not only does he convey subtleties in relationships between people that reveal their vulnerabilities and strengths, but he can paint a picture of action and suspense that rival ANY other story. There is a chapter in this novel that is so exciting and so well written I felt breathless afterwards (Chapter 7... so many amazing things happening at the same time). What makes O'Brian one of my favorite authors is that he always brings his story around to the characters involved: to their private anguish or to the ways they need each other. These books aren't pot boilers, though they have wonderful plots. They are precisely written historical novels about characters that are interesting and unique inhabiting a world that is as exciting as it is exotic.

You may not think of yourself as the type of person to be into novels about the age of sail but once you enter O'Brian's prose and are introduced to the romance, friendship, espionage, historical challenges and litany of nautical terms, I imagine you will be as hooked as I am.