Edward Elmer Smith: The Galaxy Primes (Paperback, 2007, Wildside Press) 3 stars

They were four of the greatest minds in the Universe: Two men and two women, …

Review of 'The Galaxy Primes' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

The Galaxy Primes involves yet more "psionics", a common theme in Doc Smith's works. And like most Smith novels, it moves along with a lot of action. A team of mentally advanced people takes out an experimental space ship, and quickly gets lost in a vast universe. They do eventually figure out how the ship works and manage to control it and come home. There is a surprising discovery involved, but I don't want to give it away in a review. Overall, this is a pleasant diversion, but not something that will go on anyone's "must read" list. I happen to be a huge fan of Doc Smith and have read just about everything he wrote. This is a work that exemplifies "pulp fiction".

I read this as part of a collection "The Works of E.E. "Doc" Smith"