Collins, James C.: How the Mighty Fall (2009, Jim Collins, Distributed in the U.S. and Canada exclusively by HarperCollins Publishers) 4 stars

Discusses signs pointing toward the decline of a business, how far the decline can proceed …

Review of 'How the Mighty Fall' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is the last book in the Jim Collins trilogy, a follow-up to his hit "Good to Great", which itself followed "Built to Last". I actually read this one first because it was given to me by the head of my company during a hospital stay. I was so impressed I grabbed "Good to Great" off of my wife's bookshelf, and then went to the bookstore to buy the first one, "Built to Last". So I read them in reverse order, but I think the main thing is that you should read all three to get the full picture of what Collins is talking about.

Although these are primarily Business books, I think there is a lot of useful information here about leading any organization.