
reviewed Stop the Presses! by Robert Goldsborough (Nero Wolfe, #11)

Robert Goldsborough: Stop the Presses! (EBook, Road) 3 stars

There are few people Nero Wolfe respects, and Lon Cohen of the New York Gazette …

Readable but not outstanding

3 stars

The Goldsborough Nero Wolfe books are a little controversial among serious Wolfe fans. I would never claim that they match up to Stout's work, but I have derived sufficient pleasure from them to keep reading them. After all, it is the only way to get new Wolfe stories, and I am a big Wolfe fan. This book is a case of Lon Cohen asking a favor of Wolfe, and as Wolfe has asked many favors of Lon in the past he feels bound to help out if he can. The Gazette has an acid-tongued gossip columinst who has made a lot of enemies. But 5 in particular have made threats that are deemed serious. Lon would like Wolfe to look into it, and maybe help to protect the columnist. And when said columnist turns up dead from a gunshot wound, suspicions abound. Yet the police insist that it was a suicide. But the managemnt of The Gazette hires Wolfe to uncover the killer. There is a neat twist at the end which I won't give away. This is not a classic, but it is good enough to while away a few hours if you enjoy Nero Wolfe.