Rhoda Janzen: Mennonite in a little black dress (2009, Henry Holt and Co.) 3 stars

In this memoir, Janzen chronicles the experience of re-connecting with her Mennonite roots after her …

Review of 'Mennonite in a little black dress' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

No one was terribly impressed with the book. At best, it was regarded as humorous fluff. But even then, too much of the humor was at the expense of other people, including her friends and family. I'd assumed going in that the book was Janzen's foray into self-therapy, but in the course of the book she never seemed to reach any conclusions, or figure out how to go forward in her life (other than, don't marry any bi-polar bisexuals). I now suspect that the real reason for writing the book was to make enough money to make the payments on the house in the country that her ex saddled her with. (However, there was, towards the end, a moving essay on compassion, Christian or otherwise.)