Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 10 months ago

Reads sf/f and horror. Also, whatever wuxia I can find in English Apart from that I'm quite interested in philosophy and ancient history.

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Mira Grant, Seanan McGuire: Into the Drowning Deep (Paperback, 2017, Orbit) 4 stars

"Seven years ago Atagaris set off on a voyage to the Mariana Trench to film …

Kind of like Aliens, at sea

3 stars

Content warning Ending referred to

reviewed Inside Out by Nick Mason

Nick Mason: Inside Out (Paperback, 2005, Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd )) 3 stars

A closer feeling of distance

3 stars

As the drummer of the band, and as one of the members who has been with the band from the beginning to the end, you would think this would be the definitive telling of the story of Pink Floyd.

But, it's not very personal. You rarely get any details of how Nick felt, or any more details that make the story be told from the inside. Maybe the same reason they always had such troubles talking with each others about how they felt, is once more stopping Nick from becoming too personal.

What it does have is lot of funny stories about things happening on tour, on some of their creative processes and how they worked with different people for their shows.

Sometimes I did laugh, as Nick has a way to choose understated phrases and use some dry wit to good effect.

I guess we will have to go …

reviewed Shrapnel #11 (Shrapnel)

Military fiction with big robots in small neat doses does it

No rating

Sometimes I see people who have been hooked by the board/miniatures-game asking for fiction recommendations, and I almost always manage to stay away from expressing my feelings about game fiction. I have read my fair share, and most of it is dreck! Some of it is more terrible than other, and a kerfuffle within the last 6 months saw a Battletech author of the more chauvinistic and unpleasant kind get dropped and it reminded me of the reasons some of these books are terrible literature.

I did pick up the first issue I read of Shrapnel because I knew one of the hosts of the podcast WolfNet Radio had been published in this series. I was curious about Charles' skill as a writer, as he came across as witty and informed on the podcast. It turns out he can indeed write decent enough!

The reason I've read more than that …

Maybe not as great as I had hoped

3 stars

Steve Sechi is a big fan of Jack Vance. This is not only something he freely admits, it's very clear if you read a bit about the world of Talislanta. In this anthology he has found some other writers, and together they manage to cover a lot of the weirdness, colourful language and dashing characters typical of Vance style fiction. Even the type of characters with sardonic wit and rascals who meet their fitting end is in the style of Vance.

But, Talislanta is not the Dying Earth. It's its own thing, and while it play off stereotypes and cultural tropes it manages to do so in a fashion that almost always come across as a loving homage. In this collection it skirted clear of almost all of the slightly cringe worthy elements.

None of the stories where any great revelation about the world, as I know it quite well …

This is the best book on the art in English that I know of

5 stars

If you are interested in the art of xingyiquan, this is the book you should seek out. The translator, Andrea Falk, now also sells the book in three paperback volumes, which I strongly recommend.

Di Laoshi covers the art from all angles in his book, with the five element fists, the animals and also weapon training and teaching methods and forms. It's the complete deal.

Naturally, you can not learn the full art from a book, but with this book you have a very solid foundation as a reference. It's a true treasure, and one of the martial arts books I most often consult.

Biggles is in South America on vacation, and encounters mysteries and bad guys.

Not as bad as I feared

3 stars

I haven't read any Biggles books for 40 years or so, and kind of expected something really cringe worthy. I wasn't half as bad as I expected.

But, the characters are really wooden, and there are some racial slurs and clear signs of the "white man's burden" in it. That being said, the plot is deftly told, and even though we know this is a story about airplanes and pilots, Johns only dwells on the flying when it's meaningful, and then only describes the flying back and forth in passing as the plot picks up pace.

I don't think I will read another Biggles book soon.

Becky Chambers: A Prayer for the Crown-Shy (Hardcover, 2022, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

After touring the rural areas of Panga, Sibling Dex (a Tea Monk of some renown) …

Now it digs deeper into the meat of it

4 stars

I felt the first book was too short, but this one with the characters already presented, could dig into the deeper discussions of life and our place in it. It was also hilariously funny at times!

Maybe you sometimes need a friendly robot to make you understand the idea of mindfulness. Ironic.

Becky Chambers: A Psalm for the Wild-Built (2021, Tordotcom) 4 stars

It's been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools; …

This felt like a taster

4 stars

I did like this story, but it felt a bit underdeveloped? The interaction between the monk and the robot was charming, and I liked the metaphorical roles of healer and healed, of nature and the created.

I'm not really sure why I did not like it as much as Chambers' longer stories.

One interesting thing was how I tried to figure out the "fact" beyond the gender neutral presentation of the monk. Apparently my mind of so very primed on the woman/man identities when I have to construct an imago in my head of what I read, and then I'm not a very visual reader at all. Intriguing.

The gambler nicknamed Little Gou doesn’t stick his neck out for anyone, but when he …

There are a few signs of self publishing, of clumsy language and oddities a copy editor might have cleaned up. But, the plotting is solid, and the characters are funny and the fights are described in an exciting way. A decent wuxia adventure.