Janet Kagan: Uhura's Song (2000) 4 stars

Uhura's Song is a Star Trek: The Original Series novel written by Janet Kagan published …

Review of "Uhura's Song" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I find myself studying the title of this book. I just need a reminder. Is it called 'Uhura's Song' or is it in fact called 'Evan Wilson, the Wonder Doctor'? While the plot does hinge somewhat on a Uhura and a collection of folklore songs that she knows, for the most part this is circumstantial. It gets things going with a few clues of where to go next and then makes another reappearance towards the end of the story to just clear something up. That's it. The point is, for being a title character, Uhura has very little to do in the story. She's just sort of there. I even forgot she was even there at all at times when pages and pages and pages went by without so much as a peep from her.

Who IS there on the other hand is Mary Sue. Sorry, I mean, Evan Wilson. She's there a lot. She's there to solve all problems and be excellent at everything and ask just the right clarifying questions to make someone else come to the correct conclusion. The bit at the very end was for me the worst, right down to her outfit. I mean, come ON! 18th century space pirate? Complete with plumed hat? REALLY??? I'm honestly surprised they only came to one other discovery of her previous Wonderfulness. And all without learning anything at all about who this person actually is and how she gets away with all this. I don't think the author actually knew either. I feel like she might have just got a bit lost in the Coolness of it all.

I've read the book a couple of times now. It was given to me twenty years ago by someone I was friends with then and have since lost contact with. I don't recall being as bothered by the blatant self-insert back then, but at this point, I found it impossible to ignore, so I would say I think I'm finished with it.