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Joined 4 years, 3 months ago

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Artemas's books

J.R.R. Tolkien: Los Hijos De Hurin/ the Children of Hurin: Narn I Chin Hurin (Paperback, Spanish language, 2007, Minotauro) 4 stars

The ‘Great Tale’ of The Children of Hurin, set during the legendary time before The …

Epic Middle Earth story somewhere between The LOTR and the Silmarillion

4 stars

I read the English version, but did not see it on site yet. Very interesting and tragic history of the children of Hurin. A much easier read than the Silmarillion but more condensed than the LOTR. if you have an interest in JRRT's worldbuilding and character histories than this is the book for you, more casual fans might get bored of these ancient hero's.

reviewed Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune Chronicles, #1)

Frank Herbert: Dune (Paperback, 1990, Ace Books) 4 stars

Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, …

Sci-fi Classic

5 stars

Incredible world building and intelligent characters makes it believable and engaging. Would definitely recommend for science fiction lovers that somehow haven't read it yet.