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Joined 3 years, 4 months ago

usually read non-fiction.

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Artyn's books

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Michael Hauben, Ronda Hauben, Thomas Truscott: Netizens (Hardcover, 1997, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr) 4 stars

etizens, one of the first books detailing the Internet, looks at the creation and development …

Federation worked and it was great

5 stars

This book was made before the era of social media, and barely discusses at all the HTTP World Wide web we associate with the term "net" and "internet" today. What I learned was that the federated internet worked and people loved it.

The book was prophetic in how it believed that corporate interests would stifle the individuals:

Once commercial interests gain control, the Net will be much less powerful for the ordinary person than it is currently. Commercial interests vary from those of the common person. They attempt to make profit from any available means.

Ofer Bergman, Steve Whittaker: Science of Managing Our Digital Stuff (2016, MIT Press) 5 stars

Why we organize our personal digital data the way we do and how design of …

[WIP] misunderstood book

5 stars

A lot of reviews I've seen on GoodReads and Amazon express disappointment since this book doesn't deliver the cure-all to their digital messiness but it is not suppose to be that, its about how people organize and why they organize the way they do and I think it delivers on that promise.